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Fitness is more than simply exercise, it is a lifestyle choice we make for the sake of our health. It includes various aspects of health such as diet, nutrition, exercise, mental wellness, and physical wellbeing. We have experts that cover each of these issues and more.
If you want to ask a question about diet and nutrition your question will be taken care of by dieticians and nutritionists, professionals who specialize in nutrition and specific dietary needs. These might be associated with various medical conditions.
If you want to talk to about your personal requirements in exercise a fitness instructor or physiotherapist might be able to help, depending on what you want to know. They will be able to guide you on the most-suited workouts based on your health reports and medical conditions.
With Expert-answers.com you can access fitness experts that cover a wide range of fitness related issues, all in one place. No waiting for appointments and fitting in consultations around your busy life. You now have access to a fitness expert online to overcome your problems and reach your fitness goals.
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Anyone who’s started a new fitness routine – whether it be going to your first spin class, hitting the gym floor, or starting a weight loss journey – will have at least a question or two. Let’s get the ball rilling with our top FAQs…
Do I Need to Work Out Every Day?
No, you do not need to work out every day. In fact, in most cases, it’s best to have 1-2 days of total rest a week. This doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t active at all on these days. Light, regular movement such as walking or stretching are great recovery techniques to help increase blood flow and reduce tension in muscles.
How Long Should I Work Out For?
Your workouts do not need to be long to be effective. The length of your workout will largely depend on your fitness level, as well as the type of training and intensity you’re working at.
The CDC recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity 5 days a week, as well as 2 full body strength training sessions. However, if you’re under medical supervision, take the advice of your doctor.
When Should I Stretch?
There are several types of stretching you can add to your routine.
The first is dynamic stretching. Start your workout with dynamic stretching or exercises designed to increase your range of motion, promote mobility, and wake up your muscles like walking lunges, or leg swings. Choose exercises focused on the muscles you plan to use during your workout.
Use static stretching (such as a forward fold, or a hamstring stretch) as your post-workout recovery. Choose exercises focusing on the muscles you just worked during your workout.
When Will I See Results?
It can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks or more to see results from exercise.
Other ways to track your progress include the fit of your clothing, being able to complete more challenging or longer workouts, or progress photos. It’s all the little wins along the way that help keep you going, so keep cueing into your body and all of the smaller successes and changes you see along the way and celebrate them.
How do I stay motivated to work out?
Maybe the novelty has worn off. That’s normal and you’re not alone. Your fitness journey will have highs and lows, and some days it will feel much harder to get moving.
Here are some tips to keep you on track:
Regularly set goals to have something to work towards, challenge yourself and keep yourself accountable.
Focus on establishing a strong routine. It’ll be easier to ignore excuses and show up even when you feel less motivated.
Remind yourself of the benefits of exercise and how you will feel afterwards.
Find ways to hold yourself accountable, such as a fitness buddy, or scheduling your workouts to fit in with your week..
What type of training do I need to do to increase muscle mass?
If you want to build muscle, you’ll need to start weight training. Lifting heavy weights effectively rips the muscle fibres and as the body repairs, it replaces damaged muscle fibres to form new strands. As a result, this increases the thickness and size of the muscle.
Choose heavier weights for lower reps and take a longer rest between sets. It’s important to train the muscle groups you want to build a few times per week. And don’t forget to increase your calorie intake – you need to feed muscles if you want them to grow.
The Fitness Experts at Expert-answers.com have years of experience, and are ready to take your question. This is a very easy way to get practical advice for FREE.
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